The Word in us and our dependence
Our feeling comfortable, content and at peace is pegged to, and much dependent upon the level of saturation by God's Word in us. When God's Truth dominates our hearts, and is at work in our lives, there are no cares that can overwhelm us. In any season, we walk by faith. Because our dependence is completely upon the Lord, we are ever confident in every season since He orders our steps, watches over us, and counsels us (Ps. 32:8NLT). We are preserved by the communion we have in Him. He regulates whatever concerns us, and our partnership with Him turned lifestyle counters any worry, dilutes every doubt, and consolidates our stand in every circumstance.
Favored in this way, we are empowered to conquer every mountain, and go past every obstacle. When our attitude remains of humility, conscious of our dependence is upon Him Who ordained and commissioned us, we are safe, consistently successful, influential and impactful all for God's glory. It is less about us, rather, more about Him. Acknowledging Him in our lives, in union with Him all the way, backed and led by His Spirit, nothing can unsettle us. Instead, we emerge and remain conquerors. We display determination and courage in our race. We are invariably driven by contagious joy, confident in Him Who provides good success and true prosperity (Joshua 1:8AMP). From Him Alone, all abundance, peace of mind, significance, grace, and fruitfulness flow. Good Morning.