The scent we ought to exhale

The scent we ought to exhale, and the light we have to display and to project. Because our identity is solely found and rooted in Christ, we can only be defined through Him. Since He is in union with the Truth i.e. God's Word, the essence of what we exhale, and the totality of what we project (out of our lives) can only reflect the light synonymous with the Word (Ps.119:105) dominating our hearts and lives.

The seamless identity (Matt. 5:14MKV) turned commission makes it even more imperative for us to be solutions to others through light reflection simply because the latter dispels darkness wherever it is. Ultimately, we are duty bound to project and reflect light to those around us even beyond, many of whom are hurting, burdened, stuck, wondering, or seeking answers. We can only reflect the abundance found inside. Else, we wouldn't have much to offer. Our ability to reflect light is in the measure of the pure, refreshing, healing, and Unchanging Word in us. The latter turns us into solutions and makes us effective in our commission (Matth. 5:16KJV).

Walking conscious of our role and identity upholds our responsibility of being tools and instruments sharpened and released to honor God through service.  The latter contributes to win souls for God's Kingdom. This noble assignment is also a unique privilege enjoyed through faith that connects us to God as a bridge of fruitful relationship and incredibly beneficial long-term partnership. Good Morning.