The reward of total surrender!
The reward of total surrender! When we obey and heed the call, speedily and totally surrendering, God clothes us of His sufficiency. Those who embrace that attitude never rely or lean on human beings to have their needs met. Instead, they trust God Who called them in His service.
He supplies their every need. They suffer no limitation because God is their infinite Source. In every season, they enjoy divine provisions. Peace fills their inside in lieu of worry, greed or fear (Col. 3:15 KJV). They look unto the Lord in every circumstance. They trust Him and walk by faith. In return for their genuine dependence, undivided heart, and committed relationship, God instructs, leads, and watches over those who fully surrender unto Him and align with His will (Ps. 32:8NLT).
As we surrender unto Him Who is All-Knowing, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent, a seamless communion takes place. A transfer of ability empowers us in our endeavors as we rely on Him Who is above all, and purposefully calls us in His Kingdom of light (1Pet. 2:9KJV). It is always to totally surrender so that He takes over in our lives. Then, He freely fills them with His ability, wisdom, and character. Who can bargain for better than this? Good Morning.