The imperative of peace

The imperative of peace for fulfilling our ordained assignment. May peace prevail (both in our hearts and in all of our spaces). We long for it, speak it and strive for it to align with God's will (Matth. 5:9 KJV). We are duty bound to seek for and pursue it because it is God's heart. The peacemakers translate God's nature. When we emerge as active peace agents wherever we are found, and we intentionally purpose to promote and propagate it around us, we uphold God's command.

It should be our goal to walk in, advocate for,  and strive for peace in every season. Peace is essentially spiritual and except it be present, we cannot grow and yield the kind of fruit that triggers God's delight. Each one of us is invited if not implored to always seek peace, work to expand it, in order to cause it to flourish. The peacemakers are indeed children of God. Peace is a blessing whose actors we all are.

Good Morning.