The bridges we ought to be
The bridges we ought to be. Choose to be one. It is the normal course of life. The Creator intentionally wired us that way to fill that role. It is exclusively for another person's sake. It is caught as a personal revelation. Except when we get this understanding, and embrace that path, the intended beneficiary may somehow miss his/her destiny. It takes an open heart to perceive this need and determine to avail oneself to fulfill that task as a calling. In any case, failure to do so negatively affects the manifestation of our freedom. We indeed find identity and meaning through being that bridge, and rendering ourselves as a shoulder or a steppingstone for other lives to stand on as they head to their anchor place. Choose to be a bridge, it is a divine commission, and a lifestyle that pleases and honors the Lord. It translates our willingness to be God's instruments, the very attitude that bears fruit out of our own lives. Good Morning.