Standing in righteousness

Standing in righteousness in the face of adversity. Only unwavering faith causes us to embrace that attitude.  Because in that posture and heart status, we know we aren't alone, instead, firmly backed by God. Standing for the Truth regardless of the dangers, threats, stiff opposition, and perilous circumstances requires bold faith and intrinsic courage. This disposition is the same justifier of forgiveness as the only way forward in the aftermath of personal or collective tragedy. God enables us to walk that path because no such lifestyle can be possible without divine involvement or enablement. Standing in righteousness in the face of adversity implies sacrifices.

As a faith attitude from within, it opposes and dilutes all fear in the face of hostile opponents aiming at sowing disharmony, tears, desperation, chaos, enmity, hopelessness, fear, insecurity, destruction, bitterness, and erecting walls of imprisonment. Standing in righteousness and for justice in the face of adversity and endangering threats gets God's attention because it translates purity of character, and by extension, God's heart and will. Will you stand for Truth and righteousness in spite of? Good Morning.