Overcoming disruptive and intrusive distraction

Overcoming all manner of disruption, distraction, intrusion, and staying on course. To reach the shores and our destined anchor place requires focus. The adversary knows this and attempts anything to prevent it. It triggers all sorts to distracting incidents aimed at discouraging the most determined mind and / or serene soul. Being aware of these schemes and remaining alert enough to counter them, press on, and focus in our respective journeys and assignments is critical.

Such an attitude determines the outcome of our endeavor and calling.  The beauty and joy are always in the finishing. Our ability to emerge from the process matters greatly. It is in the measure of the Truth (i.e. God's Word) at work in us, and the subsequent faith it generates to drive our lives. This spiritual asset and state of our hearts is the very weapon and strategy to fight on, go past every roadblock, remain steadfast, and overcome  the stubbornness of the opposition to our freedom.

However, our identity in the One Who victoriously strategizes and fights on our behalf is the second most catalytic ingredient that ultimately ensures our upperhand. Grace to perceive, and resilience to press ahead all flow from the One Who ordains our journey. This way, we have the firm and rooted assurance to rejoice in our rewarding and fulfilling victory. Good Morning.