More of You!
More of You (in me)! This is what determines my character, effectiveness, growth and success. It directs my interactions and straightens my relationships (with others). More of You in me refreshes, makes, and builds (the inner soul). Such a state is synonymous with more of divine Truth at work in my life, guiding my inner being and influencing around me.
Desiring more of You is a noble petition. It attracts grace, and causes us to inspire (others). More of You fills (me) with wisdom, thus drawing the contours of my ability to impact those around even beyond. More of You matters most for it is the measure of the ability to carry out the ministry upon my life. It enables me to conquer mountains and opposition blocking my pathway. It subdues whatever attempts to hinder or counter my progress. More of You yields (greater) certainty and abundance. It empowers me to resemble you in every way. Give me more of You, then shall I be satisfied, fulfilled, and indeed fruitful (John 15:5KJV).
Good Morning.