Love overcomes

Love is patient enough to overcome resistance. It is found at the center of any success. Without love, there is no (meaningful) contribution (to our commumity), no effectiveness, no freedom. Love is the prerequisite of any viable project. Our commitment to anything worth the effort is a love by-product. Love is a remedy that counters, dilutes, and nullifies all manner of wrong, ill thoughts and mistreatment, pride and unfairness, harm and segregation. Inspire and cultivate love in our hearts Lord so that we conquer and uproot all form of evil that besets and kills faithful souls.

Whenever love prevails and leads, solutions flow, and relief is spotted where hopelessness had taken root. As a powerful spiritual force easily manifesting in the physical, it emerges as the most powerful force that uproots injustice, intolerance, love magnifies kindness, and rescues sinking hearts, as a result of discouragement. Love is remedy to discord and unsettlement. Because it personalize the Lord's character, it is above all, and is the answer to confrontational negativity, destructive bitterness, and the fierce opposition bent to hinder commu ion with heaven.

Good Morning.