Looking beyond my self
Looking beyond myself. When the focus ceases to be my own being, then I have just begun (the journey that truly matters). Such is the attitude I should opt for to be a choice vessel, honest and walking with integrity of heart. Looking beyond my own self, my ego, my immediate and exclusive interests. Focusing on others is revealed wisdom and obedience (to the Lord) (Matth. 7:12AMP, Phil. 2:4KJV).
A narrow, self-centered vision is a recipe for stunted growth, an invitation to stagnation, barrenness and unfruitfulness. When our eyes are fixed beyond the immediate circle, on the horizon full of what the Lord is looking at, i.e. others, then we have started adhering to what God requires from us in the first place. He will delight in us, and fulfillment is awaiting us. Others deserve more attention, even as we carry service to them, to recreate hope, through revelation and refreshment. Except we emerge as instruments and tools of honor, vessels of (ordained) service, we haven't matured yet to deserve God's attention.
Though Merciful and Faithful to the core, He will bypass us seeking willing and ready to go vessels, full of zeal and eagerness to pour into others the love Truth has impregnated them with, borderless as it. Help me to focus on others because in them You dwell. This way, teach me Lord to love, the only way to be effective at and in Your service for that's what You represent and died for. Instill this attitude in me, and cause me to walk in it faithfully, with genuineness of heart. Only then shall I bring fort fruit that lasts, in which You delight indeed.
Good Morning.