Look up!
Look up. Despite the besiegement of negative forces attempting to draw you backward. Look up inspite of countless obstacles and roadblocks erected by the adversary on your pathway. Look up (to the Lord) to conquer the opposition bent to fuel stagnation and failure (in your assignment). A heart dominated by God's Word fights better to remain in the race. It overcomes the attacks by using the weapon of Truth in the constant spiritual warfare facing those who lean on faith to do God's will. Look up to the Author and Finisher of your faith (Heb. 12:2).
Because He is the One Who commissions us, He is also watching, ordering our steps, upholding our cause, and establishing us (Ps. 37:23) in His purposes. Because He delights in our faith, trust in Him is what prompts His active involvement. Lookup unto Him from Whom all grace (to win and be effective) flows. After all, faith makes us co-workers in covenantal partnership with Him. It is this same faith that serves as a solid bridge towards communion and subsequent fruitfulness. Look up (unto Him) to draw hope that keeps (us) going. Only this way do we reach our anchor place, and get hold of our precious reward. Look up to overcome whatever attempts to draw you backward. Good Morning.