Let every gathering be to honor God
Let every gathering be to honor God. Any other motivation would be in vain, and fruitless in the end. When every reason and justification evolves around God's worship, the resulting outcome is two-fold: God is glorified, and in the process, those who gather are rewarded and fulfilled. Be cause every effort and labor is to lift God's Name up, He takes care of every need brought before Him in faith, even the non explicitly uttered or expressed. He enlightens every gathering, even the way of those who walk in darkness (Is. 9:2 KJV). Those who err are restored by genuine and heartfelt repentance.
Any gathering whose aim and primary motivation is to regain closeness with the Lord is noticed in heaven. It causes God's delight for it points souls unto Him. Ultimately, it yields the inner joy that empowers us to testify. Let every gathering be in the Name of the Lord, then it will carry the power to heal every hurt, and lift every burden. It will draw near long awaited answers, and it will point souls to what matters most, i.e., selfless service unto the Lord, the kind that leads and orders our steps in unconditional freedom.
Good Morning.