In what is anchored your testimony?

Is your testimony love (towards others) and loyal faith (to the Lord)? There is no greater ministry than this. That's what we are to live for. Except that attitude be found in us, all other labor is in vain. God is in and with us when we display love all around us and wherever we are. That's the stamp of our identity (when we profess to be Christ's followers). Unless love is our intrinsically adopted lifestyle, we can hardly relate to Christ.

Faith enables us to walk in that love in every season, no matter the circumstances confronting us. It is all by grace the Lord alone avails when we are found in Him. On our own, we are unable and versatile, weak and vulnerable, inadequate and hesitant enough to remain steady and determined in our walk and assignment. Only the testimony of love and faith can speak on our behalf, impact others (through selfless service), and imprint a lasting legacy (Philem. 1:7AMP).

Good Morning.