How intense is your communion with Your Maker?

How intense is your communion with Your Maker? A life well lived is in the measure of this intimacy. How much of your time, resources, or life have you fully dedicated to the Lord, not just in words, but practically? Do you often ponder about, or even ask yourself, how Gracious God is? He is the Author, and Giver of your life, the most precious gift ever. The latter is priceless, yet you got it without paying anything. Thus, what have you offered in return, just to say thank you to the Lord, the Source and Originator of this your most valuable and prized asset? In fact, we should firstly be conscious and walk aware that this very life belongs to God. As such, communion with Him is the best way ever to honor Him, presenting a token of appreciation in the form of His worship.

Unless we take time off from our schedules to appreciate His goodness toward us, routines will blind us to the critical imperative of a consistent relationship with the Lord our Maker. This consciousness is crucial if we are to yield a fruitful and pleasing life to God. After all, and ultimately, we are accountable at the end of our race. What have we done of the gift and seed we have all received? To whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Intentional fellowship and continuous communion with the Lord is the beginning of a better expected end and reward.

Good Morning.