Fight to win

Fight with determination, tenacity and resolve to outsmart and defeat the enemy of your soul. Oppose the adversary's stubbornness by your persistence. Overcome his intrusions by your watchfulness and alertness. Refuse resignation, defeat and procrastination. The latter are synonymous with barrenness, stunted growth and ultimately, spiritual decay. We are ordained to be fruitful (Genesis 49:22-26), impactful, influential for the Lord, and people who leave a legacy behind. Our lifetime is to honor God rather than to be a series of complaints and a succession of frustrations orchestrated by our opponent. The latter delights in pushing our back against the wall, eager to sink us in the precipice.

Fight to win for that is the grace the Lord releases once faith knocks at His door for His active involvement and for backing us. The rallying call arises from our hearts, born of and driven by the dominating Truth that carries us all the way in the battlefield. Because of our covenantal relationship, God will never fail us or relent from standing by our side, and provide strategic support and the necessary logistics for us to win. Determine to watch and to fight on, for our freedom exclusively depends upon this attitude. Watch and pray. Our (spiritual) survival is embedded in this effort and resolve.

Good Morning.