Watch, discern and uncover the enemy

Unmasking the distractor and enemy of destinies. To overcome the adversary and go past traps and erected obstacles on our pathway, we firstly need to clearly identify the opponent. Our sensitivity, alertness and watchfulness matter if we are to win the battle at hand.

The enemy is cunny, using facts that make it hard to detect and expose him. Thus, our connection and communion with God's Spirit become critical to emerge victorious in this warfare. Though the latter is unavoidable, we are duty bound to watch, scrutinize, discern and pray. When fighting a sophisticated enemy, we ought to be well equipped with the right weaponry to secure victory.

Truth, i.e., God's Word, opens our inner eyes, and enlightens our space and path. It is imperative to see clearly, in every season, in order not to fall victim of an almost invisible foe, hiding and changing tactics and locations all the time. Whenever our focus is on the One Who won us the victory we confess and depend upon, this battle is won in advance (John 19:30KJV). The key and strategy are locked in that very attitude.

Good Morning.