At the centre of it all!

Except Christ be at the centre of whatever we undertake and do, there is no hope. In Your absence Lord, all is sinking ground. Without Your Presence and / or  involvement, all becomes routine, thus, without meaning, and subsequently, no fruitfulness can be expected, no outcome whatsoever. Except You be at the centre of all our undertakings, all is vanity, plans devoid of any chance to yield substance, or to see the light that causes joy to rise from a fulfilled and thankful heart.

The hope that never falters is catalytic of a resilient spirit, convinced that obstacles aren't designed to cause us quit, instead, to sharpen our faith, thus rendering us more determined to see our assignment through. This attitude is key in helping us reach our destination. We only have to challenge ourselves daily. It is an exercise that requires total reliance and dependence upon the Lord, our very hope of glory (Col. 1:27). Because our identity is in Him, we ultimately win and get established.

Help me, Lord, to train towards godliness so that I  emerge and keep myself spiritually fit (1Tim. 4:7AMP). As a connecting bridge to the Source, the exercise is incredibly profitable for it injects catalytic ability within to perform the assignment I am born for. It refreshes and uphold the hope out of which testimonies flow.

Good Morning.