Redeemed by mercy, preserved by grace

Redeemed by mercy, preserved by grace (Eph. 2:4, 7NLT). Made alive in, sustained, and given meaning by His grace. Thus, except by focusing (our eyes) on Him, we would stray or easily be overwhelmed. Outside Him, we are fragile and vulnerable, inadequate and unable to accomplish anything. We are re-energized by His Spirit. Made elect, chosen and predestined to fulfill His purposes, we walk by faith under His watchful eye (Ps. 32:8NLT). The consciousness of our identity in Him acts as a source of renewal of this indispensable grace.

Seeking Him daily, is the very business of upholding the closeness and intimacy out of which refreshing grace flows. We are constantly reminded we are not alone. His Presence is the partnership that sees us through in life, and indeed distinguishes us. We press on bold and fearless because He goes before us. The assurance of this status (turned covenantal) confirms our conquering uniqueness, dilutes all fear, feeds and settles our privileged freedom. We thus move forward rejoicing, firmly convinced that in Him we stand unstoppable.

Good Morning.