Staying relevant in tumultuous, scary and challenging season

Staying relevant in a season of fear, falsehood, disarray and uncertainty. Sticking to the Truth (of undiluted Gospel) is the only attitude empowering us to safely emerge from the environment that has turned to be a dangerous jungle. Whatever attacks the spiritual standing of anyone has succeeded to unseat the focus that enables to navigate unfamiliar terrain and conquer new spaces. Truth distills wisdom, and enlightens our pathway. When it is omitted, or falsified, the battle of the soul is likely to be tougher than anticipated.

We fight rooted in, and backed in Truth. Without the latter exclusively ensuring the armory of our weaponry, we become more fragile, vulnerable,  and open to fall to the lightest threat. Truth solidifies our real guard and builds the walls of our protection. It charts our path, and enlightens it to uncover and expose the enemy.

No opposition can withstand the candid display of Truth as the main weapon on the battleground. It is the belt that strengthens weakening loins (Eph. 6:14 AMP), and the instrument that terrifies the adversary. Getting hold if it and standing by it in every season ensures our immaculate victory. Befriend it and get acquainted, you will walk in lasting freedom. It is the best and sure tool and weapon to navigate the scary times at hand.

Good Morning.