A battle to win
A battle to win at all costs! Forgetfulness (of dreams and visions) is a raging battle we have to win. Countering the attack and overcoming the damage of intrusion is imperative if we are to survive spiritually, and be better instruments and vessels for the Lord. We can not tolerate the status quo in this confrontation. We need to win outright in order to carry out our assignment effectively and to imprint the kind of impact we are expected to leave behind. Because intrusion steals (the clarity of our) visions, it ought to be fought with all of the available energy. Intrusion is broad day theft.
Keeping watch through upholding an alert spirit is only the beginning of a winning strategy to preserve what the Lord releases as means to conquer, go past opposition, and navigate the territory allotted to us in our journey. Remember, we are equally accountable for this privileged assignment. We need to overcome, and to win souls as the ultimate goal.
Uninterrupted prayer helps to stand in the winning attitude. The Lord commanded, “watch and pray, in order not to fall into temptation” (Matthew 26:41NLT). The revealed advice still applies, and causes our testimony to inspire and build more lives when we courageously uphold it.
Good Morning.